Change timezone linux centos 6
Change timezone linux centos 6

change timezone linux centos 6

You will get a long list of timezones using this command.

change timezone linux centos 6

  • List all the available timezones using the below command.
  • How do I change timezone to UTC in RHEL 7?
  • Run the “date” command to verify the changes.
  • Locate the correct timezone you need that is in the central timezone.
  • List all the available timezones using the below command: # timedatectl list-timezones.
  • How to Change Timezone from CST To EST in CentOS/RHEL 7 Server How do I change the timezone in Redhat 7?
  • Using the timedatectl command set the new timezone.
  • List all available timezones using the timedatectl command.
  • How to change timezone on Redhat 8 step by step instructions

    Change timezone linux centos 6